Seven Solutions for Systemic Change
Despite being a cosmetics company, Lush has always been involved in conversations regarding human, environmental and animal rights. Based on the 2019 youth-led global week of action and climate strikes, Lush called on its customers to join in on an action each day: Seven Solutions for Systemic Change.

Animation: Imma Almourzaeva  •  Written and performed by: Aisha Fukushima

Printed leaflet available in Lush shops, custom icon set

Stickers for staff to hand out on the streets

Phone2Action platform used to get folks interested in being involved further information of action steps

Each day revolved around education about a specific theme contributing to the climate crisis, and what we can do as individuals to affect systemic change. The week ended with Lush closing it's shops and online presence to disrupt business as usual and encourage staff and customers to participate in the strike. is a long-time partner of Lush, and an international movement of ordinary people working to end the age of fossil fuels and build a world of community-led renewable energy for all. Working with youth organizers from around the world, was a large voice in organizing and visually unifying the global week of action.
To stay aligned with the conversation already started, I built Lush's campaign from the typographic and palette foundation set by (with their blessing, of course). Lush also partnered with several youth organizers from around North America, and particularly with a cool group from Metro Vancouver called the Sustainabiliteens. Youth voices were uplifted across Lush's print and digital assets of the campaign, and in addition, we invited the Sustainabiliteens to participate in a photoshoot that offers a new perspective.
To kick off the week, Performance Lecturer, Justice Strategist, Singer/Songwriter, and RAPtivist Aisha Fukushima was commissioned to write and perform a spoken word piece, beautifully animated by Imma Almourzaeva.

Sustainabiliteens offering a perspective shift

A custom knot-wrap designed for all staff to share their support during the march and after

Art direction
Jamie Zirk 
Willie Leake   
Tania Marcial, Carleen Picard   
Creative direction
Jay Gundzik